Why ESD protection?
We encounter electrostatic discharge every day in our everyday lives:
The “blow” you get at the car door, hair sticking out when you take off your hat
or when there is a spark between two people.
What is a brief shock and mostly just annoying for us is for electronic components that work with small and
smallest semiconductor components, quickly become a total loss.
Especially in dry air, discharges with a potential of 10,000 volts are not uncommon.
For FAST LTA AG, avoiding ESD is therefore one of the highest priorities.
In the worst case, many of the damages caused by ESD are only repaired after some time by the
Customers and then lead to high repair or replacement costs. Much worse than the
financial is also the resulting damage to the company's image if a product or service is damaged due to a delayed error.
entire batch of product was affected.
If FAST LTA AG receives electronic components without ESD protection, a potential
It is assumed that there is pre-existing damage that will only become apparent in the future. The component must therefore no longer be used.
Video Overview
Wear a grounded ESD wristband.
Use a grounded ESD mat.
Wear ESD shoes
Only remove electronic components from the ESD packaging when two of the above conditions are met.
Use an ESD shelf
Use ESD bags
circuit boards NEVER without ESD bag from hand to hand!!!
circuit boards or components NEVER touch the gold contacts!!! This will result in deposits of hand sweat and possibly corrosion. In any case, however, it will result in a deterioration of the signal quality, especially with high-speed connections such as PCIe, SAS.
If no ESD equipment is available, the probability of a sparkover can be reduced, but not completely eliminated, if the following is observed:
First touch devices or components on the housing / metal to create equipotential bonding.
When handing over components without ESD packaging to another person, touch the person first and only then hand over the circuit board.
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