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Genehmigt FAST Operations Approval - Major

von Rene Weber

  1. Management and Data must not be in the same subnet
    • Management and Data must not be in the same subnet

    • Management and Data may be combined to one interface later

    • Connect 1GB Ethernet to Management port for Configuration via WebUI

    • Connect Ethernet cable to data port.

    • Internal interface if no external card equipped

    • External 10GB card if equipped

  2. Start up your system by connecting the power cables
    • Start up your system by connecting the power cables

  3. G2000 will try to receive IP addresses via DHCP on management and data interfaces If no DHCP server can be found G2000 will assign fallback IP addresses as follows
    • G2000 will try to receive IP addresses via DHCP on management and data interfaces

    • If no DHCP server can be found G2000 will assign fallback IP addresses as follows

    • Management:

    • Data:

    • The assigned IP addresses may be checked via...

    • ...G2000 EPaper Display

    • ...monitor output

  4. Open the Webinterface via management ip   "https://<ip>/
    • Open the Webinterface via management ip "https://<ip>/

    • Default username: admin

    • Default password: adminadmin

  5. Open your webbrowser
    • Open your webbrowser

    • Connect to https://<management-ip>

    • Login with your username and password

    • Default user: admin

    • Default pass: adminadmin

  6. Navigate to Settings -&gt; Network
    • Navigate to Settings -> Network

    • Edit hostname and domain

    • Switch between management and data IP configuration

    • Set up your data network

    • Set up your management network

    • Data and management must not be in the same subnet

    • In order to enter a gateway both interfaces have to be changed to manual IP first

    • Set up your IPMI address

  7. Network combination makes sense if management and data shall be located in one subnet
    • Network combination makes sense if management and data shall be located in one subnet

    • In order to combine your management and data networks click on Combine data & management networks

    • The IP configuration will be transferred from the management interface to your data interface

  8. Navigate to Settings -&gt; Miscellaneous
    • Navigate to Settings -> Miscellaneous

    • Set up your timeservers

  9. Navigate to Settings -&gt; Notifications
    • Navigate to Settings -> Notifications

    • Set up your notification settings

    • In order to use FAST LTA Monitoring support make sure to...

    • ...use a valid external address as sender

    • ...check the corresponding checkbox

    • Https Notificiations is optional and may be used in case of mail relaying not allowed or possible


Ein weiterer Nutzer hat diese Anleitung absolviert.

Rene Weber

Mitglied seit: 27.10.2016

4.530 Reputation

50 Anleitungen geschrieben


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