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Genehmigt FAST Operations Approval - Major

von Rene Weber


This manual is for connecting the software Axians Infoma newsystem Version 7 with the Silent Brick WORM Archive Version 2.10

    • Requirements Compliance Option is necessary to enable various WORM volume types.

    • Installation and Connectors Installation and electrical connection as well as network connection are to be done as described in the manual Installation

    • Network Adjustments The network settings are to be adjusted as described in the manual Installation

    • Connect to the Silent Brick Web Interface

    • Switch to Settings -> SMB

    • Join the system to your active directory or create a local User matching the infoma service user

  1. Create an archive including WORM and Stage Brick Create a sub-volume of type WORM with Retention (RWRO triggered).
    • Create an archive including WORM and Stage Brick

    • Create a sub-volume of type WORM with Retention (RWRO triggered).

    • The retention period should be set to a default value but will be overwritten by Infoma if configured.

    • Check the box "List" for Safe Files. The format may be xml or text.

    • Check the box 'Do not archive 0-byte files'

  2. Choose a proper Share Name
    • Choose a proper Share Name

    • Make sure to select the service user defined in step 1

  3. Use the dedicated FASTLTA adapter for connecting the Silent Brick System
    • Use the dedicated FASTLTA adapter for connecting the Silent Brick System


Rene Weber

Mitglied seit: 27.10.2016

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