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von Rene Weber


This manual is for connecting the archival software inPoint by

H&S Heilig und Schubert Software AG with the HybridStore 2023.1.

This guide is tested with the Silent Brick WORM Archive Version

Requirements Compliance Option is necessary to enable various WORM volume types.
    • Requirements Compliance Option is necessary to enable various WORM volume types.

    • Installation and Connectors Installation and electrical connection as well as network connection are to be done as described in the manual Installation

    • Network Adjustments The network settings are to be adjusted as described in the manual Installation

Create an archive including WORM and Stage Brick

The creation of an Archive can not be undone. Please verify your settings with FAST LTA before setup.
    • Create an archive including WORM and Stage Brick

    • The creation of an Archive can not be undone. Please verify your settings with FAST LTA before setup.

    • Create a sub-volume of type WORM with Retention ( RWRO Trigger )

    • The retention period in years and days may be set to 0

    • Retention will be set per file by H&S inPoint

    • Select the option 'Do not archive 0-byte files'

Create the hsservice user under SMB or join the machine to the active directory

Add a SMB share to the create volume with access rights for the both users
    • Create the hsservice user under SMB or join the machine to the active directory

    • Add a SMB share to the create volume with access rights for the both users

In Windows make sure your H&S Service is executed under the same user/password as the share on the Silent Brick System
    • In Windows make sure your H&S Service is executed under the same user/password as the share on the Silent Brick System

    • Services have to be restarted after modification!

Create a Tenant

HybridStoreSv.exe CONFIG /CreateTenant /Name HS-FAST-Test /DbType SQLSERVER /DbScheme hsUser /DbConnectionString "User Id=hsUser;Password=hsPass;Initial Catalog=HybridStore;Data Source=DBServer\Datenbank“

Create a Location
    • Create a Tenant

    • HybridStoreSv.exe CONFIG /CreateTenant /Name HS-FAST-Test /DbType SQLSERVER /DbScheme hsUser /DbConnectionString "User Id=hsUser;Password=hsPass;Initial Catalog=HybridStore;Data Source=DBServer\Datenbank“

    • Create a Location

    • HybridStoreSv.exe CONFIG /Tenant HS-FAST-Test /AddLocation /Name SilentBrick/ LocationType FilePathLocation /Paths \\Name\Share\Folder /RetentionType LastAccessThenReadOnly

    • Create a Scheme

    • HybridStoreSv.exe CONFIG /Tenant HS-FAST-Test /AddScheme /Name BrickScheme / Locations SilentBrick

    • The minimal configuration is a single tenant, with a single location which is used by the single scheme


Rene Weber

Mitglied seit: 27.10.2016

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