This guide describes the necessary steps to setup up the Silent Brick System as a Commvault Backup & Recovery NAS target.
Go to the SMB section of the user interface
Depending on your requirements...
Join the Silent Brick System to the active directory
Or create a local user account
Switch to the Volumes section of the User Interface
Create a new SNAS Volume
Type: SNAS
Protection: As desired
Compression: No
Case Sensitive: Yes
Optimize for Large Files: No
Disable Auto Audit if you are not storing long-term backups in this volume.
Select your Volume and choose the "Shares" Tab
Create a new share
Define a unique share name
Uncheck "Public" and add the user create in Step 1 or any active directory user if joined
In Commvault setup up a new Storage using the UNC path of your Silent Brick SecureNAS Volume