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Teams are collections of people with similar interests. You can learn more about Teams and what you can do with them via our Teams help documentation.

POST /teams

Create a new team

GET /teams

List teams including aggregated reputation for the members on that team. Note: "owner" field in the response is the userid of the owner/manager of that team.

GET /teams/{teamid}/attributes

Get the attributes of an existing team.

GET /teams/{teamid}

Get a list of team members.

GET /teams/{teamid}/course_assignments

Get the course assignments of a team.

GET /teams/{teamid}/suggested_users

Get suggested members for a team.

PUT /teams/{teamid}/users/{userid}

Add a user to a team.

PATCH /teams/{teamid}/users

Add and/or remove multiple users on a team. One or two of the optional parameters are required.

DELETE /teams/{teamid}/users/{userid}

Remove a user from a team.

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